tel.: 192 nebo +385 22 443 150, +385 22 348 210
Ante Lasan Kabalera 39, Vodice
tel.: +385 193
First Aid: 194
Single European emergency number: tel: 112
Roadsite assistance HAK - Croatian Auto club
tel.: +385 1 987
First Aid
tel.: +385 1 94
Weather and road conditions
tel.: +385 60 520 520
First Aid
Medical Center at the marketplace, Roca Pave 6, Vodice
Mo-Fr 7.00–19.30, Sa-So 7.00–13.30
street: ul. Stjepana Radića 83, Šibenik
tel.: +385 22 246 204
Help on the way: hak.hr
Pharmacy street: ul. Roca Pave 6, Vodice, at the market.
tel. +385 22 443 168 Mo-Sat: 7.00–20.30, Sun 7.00–13.00,
The emergency pharmacy is in Šibenik (alternately)
Veterinary clinic Vodice, street: ul. Prve primorske čete 64a
Mo-Fri 7.00–19.00 Sat: 7.00–14.00
Tel.: +385 99 700 37 37 (nonstop)
Post office Tribunj, Badnje 1, 22212 Tribunj
tel.: +385 22 446 855 Fax: +385 22 446 330
in season: Po-Pá: 8.00–12.00,18.00–21.00 So: 8.00–12.00
off-season: Po-Pá: 8.00–14.00